Finnish-Syrian Friendship Association ry

Who we are:

Finnish-Syrian Friendship Association ry is a non-governmental organisation established in 2010 with the goal of building bridges between the indigenous population in Finland and Arabic-speaking immigrants.

What we do:

The activities of the Finnish-Syrian Friendship Association ry aim to promote and facilitate the integration of Arabic-speaking residents in Finland. The goal is also to bring the people of Finland and Syria closer together and enhance interaction between them. During the Syrian crisis, participation in discussions about the situation in Syria in the Finnish media and providing assistance to the crisis victims in both Finland and Syria became one of the activities.

The association organizes various events related to Syrian culture and arts, such as exhibitions, music concerts, communication events, and trips. The association also actively participates in these events as a contributor and expert on Syrian culture and the current situation in Syria. During the Syrian crisis, the organization and coordination of various charitable activities became significant.

In addition to their knowledge and involvement in Syrian culture, one of the most important roles of the Finnish-Syrian Friendship Association is to introduce newcomers to Finnish culture and life. Gradually, their activities expanded to also assist Arabic speakers from other countries. The primary goal of this activity is to reduce cultural barriers and provide Arabic speakers and those interested in Arabic culture with an opportunity to get to know each other’s cultural events and participate in them.

During the Syrian crisis, social and community responsibility was emphasised. As a result, the association increasingly focused its resources on supporting those facing difficulties and continued to engage with refugees who came to Finland from the Arab world, making itself available to them. The vision of the Finnish-Syrian Friendship Association is to facilitate the integration of the second generation of immigrants in Finland and prevent identity crises. By doing so, the opportunity for dual-culture citizenship is created, enabling the Finnish immigrant to maintain their original cultural identity and language.

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