Kurdish Women’s Voices

Who we are:

We are a group of Kurdish women working alongside our fellow women in the region and around the world to challenge the social, economic, and political structures built on injustice and discrimination. We are dedicated to combating all forms of violence against women and girls while empowering them economically and ensuring their access to resources. Our goal is to guarantee their active civic and political participation in policy-making and decision-making processes, ultimately achieving gender equality.

What we do:

Drawing from our perspective as conscious Kurdish women, we are acutely aware of the unique challenges and intersecting forms of discrimination faced by women and girls in our context. As part of the global feminist movement and the Kurdish and Syrian feminist movements, our objectives include:

• Enhancing the role of women in the peace and security-building processes.
• Transforming oppressive systems and building secular democratic states that safeguard the rights of all, including the rights of the Kurdish people.
• Amending discriminatory laws against women and girls, and enacting legislation in line with a gender perspective.
• Cultivating a societal awareness that supports feminist ideology, embraces diversity, and opposes discrimination in all its forms.
• Promoting awareness about the importance of environmental protection.

How to find and contact us:

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